
neděle 29. června 2014

Namísto normalizování drogových zkušeností patologizujeme ne-drogové zkušenosti...

Stanton Peele:

"My argument in Love and Addiction was that people form extremely pathological involvements with a large number of powerful experiences (love and sex being the most prominent examples, but also including gambling, electronic games, eating, et al.). I (and co-author Archie Brodsky) meant by pointing this out that drugs did not have the special quality of "addictiveness." But, instead of recognizing this commonality between things we all know about and drug experiences, advocates for sex and love addiction (e.g., Benoit Denizet-Lewis) affixed the standard 12-step, loss-of-control meme to these other addictions. Rather than normalizing drug experiences, they pathologized non-drug experiences."

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